5 Ways to Connect to Your Feminine Energy

Young woman in a field of flowers

What is feminine energy? And why is it important to tap into it?

Your feminine energy is a beautiful gift—not only to yourself, but to the entire world as well. It’s a magical treasure trove of endless creativity, nourishing energy, and emotional intelligence.

The best part is that this goddess energy is already within you, and all you need to do is tap into it!

Feminine vs. Masculine

Feminine energy is also known as yin energy, and it’s the equal and opposite of masculine (yang) energy. They work together and complement each other perfectly. Essentially, they’re two pieces that make up the whole, and we need to utilize both in our everyday lives in order to find harmony.

We each have both feminine and masculine energies within us, but we generally tend to lean towards one or the other. For example, many women find themselves more drawn to being in their feminine energy, while men prefer operating from their masculine energy. This isn’t always the case, though. (And to clarify, feminine and masculine energy doesn’t have anything to do with gender, it has to do with a particular set of traits.) 

Feminine energy embodies characteristics such as compassion, intuition, playfulness, and flow. It’s all about “being”. On the other hand, masculine energy revolves around “doing”, and is expressed through achievement, logic, focused action, and striving for goals. Yin energy is about fluidity, while yang energy is about structure.

Feminine Energy Characteristics list

Unfortunately, masculine energy has been extensively praised in our society, while feminine energy has been undervalued. Since we live in a fast-paced world, where self-worth is often measured by how much we’ve achieved, we’re often urged to be in perpetual go-go-go mode.  We’re used to being “on” 24/7. We may feel like we need to push harder into the masculine than what feels aligned to us.

Usually, this doesn’t feel good. It doesn’t feel right for our bodies, or for our hearts and souls.

The feminine needs rest and replenishment, and the opportunity to simply “be”. Suppressing our feminine nature promotes burnout, a lack of balance, and a feeling of not being connected to our bodies.

Woman wearing a pretty white dress and holding yellow flowers outdoors

Here are 5 ways in which you can connect to the feminine energy inside you:

#1: Connect with your body.

Yin energy is all about flow. Connect with your inner goddess by doing anything that involves movement and residing in the body versus the mind. You might want to put on some music and dance to it, really allowing yourself to move in any way that feels good. Don’t judge yourself for it! It doesn’t have to be a specific choreography, or even look “good”. How does your body want to move in response to the music that’s playing? Simply go with it and let your body respond naturally.

Other good options for mindful movement are yoga, stretching, qi gong, or a walk around the neighborhood.  If you’d like to do something more vigorous such as a workout or a run, then that’s perfect, too. Choose something that resonates for you, and go for it!

Another way to connect with your body is to really FEEL inside the body. To do this, sit in a comfortable position. Take a few moments to feel into your heart space…into your hands…into your feet…inside your muscles, bones, and your very cells. As you look out of your eyes, focus on the fact that it’s YOU looking out from your body. Be present and breathe.  

#2: Be creative.

Feminine energy is a gorgeous creative force. Creativity can encompass so many different things—dancing, writing, singing, painting, and other art are some of the first to come to mind. There’s also creativity involved in everyday activities like cooking, gardening, writing a work email, using a bullet journal, and helping your kids build a pillow fort. Even if you feel like you’re not a very creative person, you might surprise yourself—there are most likely many things that you do on a daily basis that are created by the very unique and amazing energetic being that is you. Nuggets of creativity might just very well be tucked away like beautiful gems in the places you’d least expect!

To tap into your goddess energy, spend a bit more time in your creativity. Don’t put any pressure on yourself to become an expert on anything. Or to achieve a certain standard.

Let yourself play and have fun.

Humans are creative by nature—just allow yourself to bring forth things into the world. Creativity allows us to heal ourselves and others! 

Female holding yellow flowers

#3: Get into receptive mode.

Often times, we don’t like accepting help from others. Asking for support can be challenging. Receiving anything, whether it be a compliment, abundance, or assistance from others, might feel uncomfortable.

We’re capable of doing things on our own, and fending for ourselves—this is true! 

But the feminine is all about surrendering into receiving mode. This is the energetic realm in which abundance of all kinds flows…prosperity, love, support, and happiness.  

A big step in aligning with this energetic state is to believe you are worthy of receiving it. You are deserving of all the good things the Universe has to offer no matter how much you feel like you have achieved.

You are worthy simply because you are here.

Let yourself receive help from others. Ask for support if you need it. Set the intention that you are willing to receive every beautiful thing that comes to you.

A field of lilac colored wildflowers

#4: Spend time in nature.

Mother Nature is the ultimate healer. Receive her beautiful, feminine energy by going out into nature as much as you can.

If you can go somewhere where you’re fully immersed in the outdoors—and it’s powerful, healing balm of fresh air and nourishing vibes—that’s the best option. It’ll allow you to really soak up all the goodness!

But this might be more challenging if you live in a city, or don’t have the time for an extended drive or adventure. In this case, connecting with nature can look like going to a nearby park, or walking around your neighborhood. Take some time to notice the trees and wildlife (like squirrels and birds and bugs), and focus on how good the fresh air in your lungs feels. Walk barefoot on the grass. Touch the trees.

Bringing nature into your home is also a great way to connect with this feminine energy. Buy fresh flowers, diffuse essential oils into your space, and decorate your home with real plants.

#5: Tap into your emotions.

Connecting to your feminine energy involves doing a deep dive into your emotions.

This might not sound like the most exciting thing, but the more you “feel it”, the more you “heal it”. And the more you learn how to connect with that inner, vulnerable part of yourself, the more insight will come up for you in all aspects of your life.

It’ll help you develop deeper self-awareness and compassion for yourself, heal from any past challenging situations, and find meaning and purpose so that you can move forward with your beautiful life.  

A really effective way to do this is with journaling. Writing in a journal daily lets you put all your thoughts and feelings down on paper, so they’re not churning about in your head. From this point, more clarity will arise and you’ll be able to find new solutions and perspectives on what you’re currently working through. (For Rose Journals, click here!)

Journaling is a beautiful way of letting your inner goddess speak with you, and give you guidance and support.

Here are a few journal prompts to help you connect with your feminine energy:

  1. What is a current situation you are going through in which you need more clarity?

  2. How can you be gentler with yourself in regard to this situation?

  3. In what way can you tap into your feminine to shift the energy?

Please let me know in the comments below which tip to connect to your feminine energy resonates the most with you! 

xoxo, Ana


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